OK, so I couldn't stand the suspense.
I wanted to take a picture of my funny hat. I didn't want a straight-on shot, but a profile, which would really show off the hat, since it was the primary subject.
So I set the timer, put the camera on a shelf, posed and waited ... and waited ... and waited.
I was so sure the camera had snapped the picture without my hearing anything, so I stole a look -- at just the wrong moment!
The result: a blurred photo of myself with two noses. Serves me right. Bottom line: I hate to throw anything away, so I kept it, then remembered this little poem which seems the perfect match for it:
I go tramping
the echoing stairs
of this old house,
pursuing things
forgotten here,
remembered there,
getting exercise
enough for two.
© 1996
(originally published in Capper's)
Today's word: tramping
Afterthoughts ... in response to your comments:
Oh, thank you, Helen, for those kind words about the photo. I hopeI haven't triggered an epidemic of similar mishaps across the land, but if you want to try it, here's the secret, as I recall it: The camera must be precisely placed (as to height and distance from the subject), the subject is preferably seated (and not in a swivel chair ... or, heaven forbid, a rocking chair), the timer must be activated (your camera probably has more precise instructions regarding this), and then ... this is crucial ... remember that timing is absolutely the key to the whole project. I couldn't have pulled it off, unassisted, if my own timing had not been absolutely HORRIBLE. In fact, I don't know how I pulled it off that one time ... and I haven't been able to repeat the performance. Also, I probably should warn everybody ... don't try this at home ... but I did, and I survived. You probably can, too. Let me know how it turns out.
Yes, Featheredpines, Professor Squigglee is back ... after a long hiatus. There was some speculation that he had simply wandered off ... Not true, I hasten to add. It's my understanding that he has just been lost in deep thought. We shall see, I suppose. In any event, I advise you to keep up on your reading ... there may be a test ... one of these days ... on all that he's said.
Love your photo...I'll have to try that sometime.
Yeay, Professor Squiglee is back!!!
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