Sunday, August 24, 2008

Detour - Expect Delays

Today's offering is obviously a summer poem, but it represents a "philosophy" ... an outlook ... which can be adopted almost any day of the year.

I think it was written on just one of those lazy, hazy, steamy days when I felt the backlog was secure ... no danger of avalanche, at least for the moment ... more important things, those pressing chores from day before yesterday ... and beyond ... could just wait their turn.

I think it's OK to do that sometimes ... to take time to look up from our everyday chores to see what's happening all around us ... the hollyhocks ... the cardinal ... the sunflowers.

Of course, the backlog will still be waiting ... but we can then approach it with the feeling that we're a little more evenly matched now. Try it. It works.

The poem:


I have chores

to do, but it's such

a distracting day,

hollyhocks cupping

morning sunlight,

a cardinal swaying

in the evergreen,

a jury of sunflowers

eyeing me suspiciously,

as well they might,

for I, too, may just

follow the sun

the rest of the day.

© 1999

(originally published in Capper's)


Today's word: backlog

Afterthoughts ... in response to your comments:

Always good to know that I've gotten somebody's day off to a little better start than it might have been otherwise, Helen. I do hope you were able to enjoy following the sun. Just beingout of the influence of Fay should help, too. Best wishes.

Coffee in the thermos, and off to the park ... sounds good to me, Kelly ... and I hope there were no twinges of conscience as you gave yourself this interlude in the park with a book. I've learned that the stacks of paperwork may teeter a bit ... but they'll wait, at least for another day ... and I hope what I started was a good thing. Good luck.


Anonymous said...

Lovely, lovely first smile of the day.  I loved the following the sun line.  I've been stuck in the house...asthma and sinus for a week and a half, but today, I'm going to follow the sun...until we have our daily rain showers.  We're out of the influence of Fay as of today, they say...just normal rainy season rains and showers...but the sun is shining now :).  Your poem just fit in.  

Anonymous said...

I agree with Hechan.  I was wavering between getting through some paperwork or not.  Think I'll put some coffee in a thermos and head to the park with a book :)  See what you started!