Friday, May 2, 2008

Because We Must

Some of you may have seen today's poem before.

It even made a guest appearance on "Squiggles & Giggles," my weekly ... free, mind you, free ... e-mailed newsletter about writing ... and a multitude of other subjects.

But then AOL put a stop to that.

Ah, but "Squiggles & Giggles" is back ... not as a newsletter ... sorry ... but as an online posting (not on AOL) ... now, with a link (under "Favorite Sites") in the left-hand column of "Chosen Words," it's just a click away ... any time you care to take a look.

And it doesn't clutter your mailbox now!

I'm always a little surprised ... on the verge of amazed ... at the amount of discussion this little poem fires up. But that's what the newsletter ... we called it "S&G" ... was all about.

"Because We Must" created a lot of discussion ... but none of those ugly fights in the parking lot afterward. I like that.

I was thinking about "Because We Must" this morning.

Mainly I was thinking about what I had said about this little poem once before:

When we strip away the outer trimmings, the pretense, the spins which have become the standard of the day, what do we have left?

The truth.

I like that. Writing, with a few exceptions, is certainly not for the money. Not really. That's true, even with those who write for pay.

They ... and we ... write because we must. Because we're looking for a truth ... The Truth, perhaps.

The poem:


A voice whispers

and we listen.

Again. We answer,

more rapidly now,

with paper and pen.

We write

because we must.

No ear may hear

our stories, nor

voice answer our

earnest pleadings,

and still we write.

Because we must.

© 2005

(originally published in PKA's Advocate)


Today's word: impelled

Afterthoughts ... in response to your comments:

Oh, I miss the old S&G, too, Featheredpines ... it was like sending out a letter from home each week, keeping in touch with all those who had asked to be put on the mailing list. But now it is back, though in a different form ... and I do appreciate the comments on it ... and on "Chosen Words." They serve to keep the conversation going ... and they keep me going, too ... knock on wood.

Thanks for your comment, too, Helen ... I'm always delighted when you like the poem ... and I like your mention of painting ... another area in which I'm trying to expand my knowledge ... finding it an ever-healing process.

I hope you both had a great day ... and I hope you'll forgive my slowness in responding ... I try to excuse such lapses in keeping up my end of the conversation as being "thoughtful pauses."


Anonymous said...

I liked S&G in my email box :)  I'm so happy it's back.  Even if it is taking me a few days to send a comment or two, I read it as soon as it's out - er, online now.

I am impressed that you never miss a day of commentary and poetry.  Rain or shine!  And while it's completely selfish of me, I like knowing no matter what time of day or night, I can wander on in here and find conversations and poetry :)

You write, and we read - Because We Must!

Anonymous said...

First of all, Featheredpines, you're comments this morning, were wonderful.  I was on my way somewhere, and almost didn't read it.  I'm so glad I did.

This poem tugs at all of us who write, or paint, or are creative in any way...we do it because we must.  You're poem, Bob,  hits the nail on the head.

I don't have time for the S&G right now, but it'll give me something to look forward to while I meet a friend and her great grandkids at McDonald's for lunch.  All the inspiration and creativty seems to go out the window there, but I know I'll recapture it when I read S&G and read this poem again.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Hechan :)  What a lovely note to discover as I come back to reread this poem once again.  Wishing you a beautiful day!