Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What Was That?

I write a lot about ordinary things ... those things all around me ... things which are seen ... or heard ... almost every day ... things which might go unnoticed, had I not started trying to "see things with new eyes."

Or, I suppose, in this instance, to hear things with new ears.

The poem deals with a bit of ancient history ... so much time has passed since the incident about which I've written ... but it's good to be able to look back, sometimes, to remember ... to chuckle again over something that happened ... something, in the broad sweep of things, quite ordinary ... but still valued.

The poem:


When I heard

a chorus of crickets

in my son's room,

I wasn't surprised.

When I heard bird calls,

that didn't faze me

in the least.

But when I heard

the songs of whales,

I sat upright

and took notice.

Just a CD, Dad,

he reassured me,

and I drifted off

with hardly a ripple.

© 1995

(originally published in The Christian Science Monitor)


Today's word: ripple

Afterthoughts ... in response to your comments:

Thank you, Magran. I agree, it is comforting to remember. I do find comfort in so many of the memories I've stored up over the years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How comforting to remember "those" days.