Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Autumn! ...

My temperature rises

When leaves begin to fall,

Piling up to my thighs as

I try to rake them all.

© 1997

(originally published in Parnassus Literary Journal)

OK, so "piling up to my thighs" is a slight exaggeration. That's one of the building blocks of humor, right? Rhyming "rises" and "thighs as" is a bit of a stretch, too. This is all done in an effort to be funny, at least to elicit a smile.

Enough said.


Today's word: exaggeration

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love exaggeration for comic relief.  I also love piled leaves in the fall.  I can't understand the need to rake leaves.  I would blow them off walks, steps and porches and let the rest go. (I don't have any leaves)...I live in one of those subdivisions where all the trees were taken down so houses could go in.  See why I live in my imagination most of the time?